Monday, January 21, 2019

Types of Virus

Types of virus
There are following:
  • Boot Sector Virus

A disk divide into tracks and sectors. The disk that contains operating system has a special program in its first sector. The sector is known as boot sector. The program in boot sector is automatically loaded in memory when computer starts. The program then loads operating system in the memory. The boot sector virus modifies the program in the boot sector.
  • Chernobal  Virus

The famous chernobal virus deletes all Microsoft Office files. It also deletes the partition information from the disk that causes a major loss of data.
  • Logic Bomb

Logic bomb is also called time bomb. It differs from other viruses. It is activated at a certain date and time. Michelangelo is an important logic bomb. It destroy data on the hard disk on August 20.
  • Trojan Horse.

Trojan Horse hides itself as useful program. it contains hidden instruction to erase data or cause other damage. It execute illegal, destructive instructions in the middle of a program such as computer game. FormatC is an example of a Trojan Horse.
  • Redlof

It is a polymorphic virus. it is written in Visual Basic Script. it relies on the Microsoft Active X component to execute itself. It locates Folders.htt and infects that file.

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