Monday, January 7, 2019

Guided Media

Explain Guided Media:
In guided media, the communication devices are directly connected with each other by using some physical media like wires. It is also called bounded media. 
There are three types of guided media.
  1. Coaxial Cable
  2. Twisted Pair Cable
  3. Fiber Optics Cable

1) Coaxial cable: Coaxial cable consists of copper wire covered by insulating material. The insulated copper wire is covered by copper mesh. It is used for long distance.

2) Twisted pair cable: Wire pair is usually made up of copper. The pair of wire is twisted together to reduce noise. It is used for short distance. Its speed is 9600 bits per second in the distance of 100 meter.

3) Fiber optics: A fiber optic cable transmits data as pulses of light through tiny tubes of glass. It consists of very narrow strand (thin like human hair) of glass called core. The core is the center of the fiber where light travels.

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