Saturday, January 5, 2019

Data & Its Types

What is data and describe its types?
A collection of raw facts and figures is called data. Data is collected from different sources. Data may consist of numbers, characters, symbols or pictures.
Data Types:
1. Alphabetic: Alphabetic data consists of alphabetic letters from A to Z, a to z and blank spaces.
2. Numeric: Numeric data consists of numeric digits from 0 to 9.
3. Alpha numeric: Alpha numeric data consists of alphabetic letters from A to Z, a to z and numeric digits from 0 to 9. And all special characters like @, !, #, $, %, & etc.
4. Sound: Sound is the representation of audio. Data include music, speech and any type of sound.
5. Video: Video is a set of full motion images played at high speed. Video is used to display actions and movements.
6. Image / Graphic: This type of data include chart, graphics, pictures and drawings.

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